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Museum Bookshop
Museum publications on sale

The Leonardo Museum plays a central and vital role in scientific research and the publishing of essays and educational texts. On this page you will find a list of all the publications on sale in the bookshop operating at the ticket office of the museum.

  • Leonardo a Vinci. Alle origini del Genio
    Product Description:
    The catalog illustrates the contents of the exhibition held at the Museo Leonardiano, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo's death, which took place in 2019, and is configured as a collection of essays that deepen the themes presented in the exhibition from other points of view, proposing them, in many cases, new readings and interpretations, which open the way to future opportunities for in-depth study as in the case of recent diagnostic investigations conducted by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence and by CNR.INO and CNR-IFAC on one of the most emblematic of Leonardo's vast graphic production, the drowning of Landscape 8P, from the Uffizi Gallery.

    Price:  € 28
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  • Geronimo Stilton
    Il segreto di Leonardo
    Product Description:

    Geronimo Stilton, along with  Benjamin e Trappy, also celebrated Leonardo Da Vinci on the 500th anniversary of his death, which took place in 2019.

    Thanks to a project proposed by the school, the three enrolled in the International Friends of Leonardo Club, which gathers young people from all over the world and flew to Vinci to visit the village where Leonardo spent his childhood, then his birthplace and the Museum which collects the oldest collection of models and machines of the great Genius.

    A truly phenomenal adventure, which made Stilton and his friends the protagonists of a mystery..the discovery of an ancient parchment written by Leonardo , with a series of clues that, like in a treasure hunt, has led to discover what for the Genius was the most important thing...

    Price:  € 12.50
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  • Leonardo and the artes mechanicae
    Product Description:
    Leonardo da Vinci claimed that painting belonged to the culture of the “erudite”, to high scientific and humanistic culture, that is, to the liberal arts. But he also proudly affirmed for himself the higher dignity of the inventor, contrasting it with the figure of the rhetoricians and commentators of ancient texts, thus helping to shape a new intellectual consciousness, interwoven with the still uncertain formation of the knowledge and identity of the engineer.This volume sets out to grasp the historic significance of Leonardo’s work as a “mechanic”, reconstructing its involvement in certain dynamics—played out between the time of Piero della Francesca and the early Galilei —of the knowledge and practices of the mechanical arts. These are considered in their own right, especially within the sphere of activities, of great economic importance for the city, that the more refined Florentine humanism, like that of Poliziano, had classified among the “sordid” and “sedentary” arts: building sites, mills, factories.Within this long-term perspective, the book examines the changes wrought by Leonardo on the main body of knowledge of the technicians, the “practice of geometry”; his awareness of the need for a vernacular lexicon of technical knowledge, shared with Francesco di Giorgio Martini; the novelty of his studies of textile mechanics, not just in the context of the dichotomy between the liberal and mechanical arts, but also within the stratification of the latter; the sophisticated development of various representative conventions in technical drawing and the use of scale models, in connection both with drawing and with elements of theoretical mechanics in the designing of machines. Some new hypotheses are also presented regarding the functioning and use of the building-sitemachines designed by Brunelleschi for the construction of the cupola of Florence Cathedral.
    Price:  € 50
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  • Leonardo's Optics from Alhazen and Kepler
    Catalogue of the Optics Room of the Museo Leonardiano at Vinci
    Product Description:
    The museum tour recapitulated in this catalogue looks more closely at an aspect of his science that is not so well known, but none the less evocative for that: optics - which in Leonardo's time was by no means the science we know today - with the teory of vision, and the experimental method. Vision, for Leonardo, was not only a matter of art - though who can forget his theory of colours, or for that matter the disorienting perspective of the Annunciation? - but primarly of science: science conducted by observation, experiment and invention.
    Price:  € 17
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  • Navigare in Arno
    Acque, uomini e marmi tra Firenze e il mare in Età Moderna
    Product Description:
    The Arno was a veryimportant resource over the centuries. Navigable from Signa to Pisa almost up to the present age, the riverwas criss-crossed by men and merchandise contending with its bends andcaprices, currents and eddies, changes in level and sandbanks. With the ModernAge, men of science and engineers such as Leonardo, Tribolo and Buontalentibegan to consider the Arno differently, going beyond the specifities of theindividual situations in each area and starting to think of the river as justone system, as they sought new solutions to improve its navigability, to fightthe dangers of flooding and to keep the banks in a good state of repair, tobetter exploit the force of water to run mills and fulling-mills. The bookillustrates this lengthy process and provides a picture of the complex and fascinatingjourney, lavishly accompanied by documentary testimony and iconography, towardsthe discovery of a special relationship with the resource the riverrepresented.  

    Price:  € 16
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  • Vinci di Leonardo
    History and memories
    Product Description:
    No book of this type and this size had been published on Vinci since Gustavo Uzielli’s studies in the late XIX Century. It offers a complete panorama on the heritage of Vinci. Leonardo is examined in the light of the weight of all the memories accumulated by history. in his home town; and along side it, the architectural and urban planning heritage, the ecclesiastical patrimony, the interaction between cultural heritage and natural and scenic heritage, the sense of landscapes as an asset in themselves, requiring protection and careful tending.
    Price:  € 49
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  • Leonardo in Russia
    Product Description:
    La cultura russa, a partire dalla fine del XIX secolo, hasviluppato un intenso rapporto con l’eredità di Leonardo da Vinci. Alcuniepisodi, connessi soprattutto alla confluenza di opere di Leonardo e della suascuola nelle collezioni russe, sono più noti. Sono invece meno conosciute lacontinuità e la varietà di questo interesse per il genio di Vinci, che haattraversato momenti e contesti differenti della storia russa del Novecento. Dauna parte si è cercato in Leonardo il tramite di confronto tra l’identitànazionale del Rinascimento italiano nel suo significato universale. Per altriversi l’artista-architetto, tecnico e scienziato è stato oggetto di  studi storici e filologici, traduzioni ecommentari, entro una più ampia impresa di diffusione in Russia dellatrattatistica rinascimentale italiana da Alberti a Palladio. La vita e l’operaartistica di Leonardo sono state inoltre ripetutamente fonte di ispirazione peroriginali fioriture artistiche, dal romanzo storico, alla cinematografia  e alla musica. Il volume, con testi bilingueitaliano-russo, esplora e presenta alcuni passaggi rilevanti di questa vicenda.
    Price:  € 29
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  • Cecco Bonanotte e il battesimo di Leonardo
    Product Description:

    According to tradition, Leonardo was christened in theRomanic Church of the Holy Cross in Vinci: atablet in serena stone records the event with the words that Leonardo’sgrandfather, Antonio da Vinci, wrote in one of his registers. In order toemphasise the spirituality of the baptism chapel, Cecco Bonanotte wascommissioned to make a sculptural cycle to decorate its four side niches and ceiling.In short essays and through photographs, this book tells the story of theconception and the creation of the bronze statues with which the artistrepresented the sacrament which is administered in the chapel. The side nicheshouse representations of events from the scriptures emblematic of the history ofSalvation: The Creation and Original sin,The Annunciation and The Baptism of Christ, The Last Supper, ThePassion, Death and the Resurrection, while directly above the font, thevault is dominated by The Apocalypse, agold crown full of human figures placed in one continuous ring. As a token toLeonardo’s genius, Cecco Bonanotte has created figures of modest proportions,which are light and evocative, and enhanced by the uniform sheen of preciousgold.

    Price:  € 30
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