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With the family
Personalize your experience of visiting the Museum with children!

Choose a guided trail to get the most out of your visit to the museum and Leonardo country, or try out the hands-on activities in the educational workshops with your children! Here are all the options to make your experience of the Museum complete!

    laboratori, visite e attività per famiglie (available only in Italian language)

    Everysecond Sunday of the month, families visiting Vinci can delve into Leonardo’sinterests through games and workshops. Each event  provides a different activity thought for theoccasion: a pleasing  opportunity toshare with all the family. 

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  • Leonardo da Vinci scientist and engeneer. Guided visit of the Leonardo Museum
    Lasting Time 1 hour and 30 minutes, Price 85 €
    The Museum route starts in Palazzina Uzielli, with the exhibition sections devoted to building-site machinery, textile manufacturing machinery, mechanical clocks and continues on the first floor with the section dedicated to Leonardo's studies on the human body and to that reserved for mechanical elements that Leonardo studied with a approach very similar to the one he adopted to understand the functioning of the human body.
    The models on show are accompanied by apictorial history taken from paintings and manuscripts of the time, while animated digital reconstructions and interactive applications help the visitor to better understand how they work.
    > BOOK YOUR VISIT Read more+
  • Vinci, Leonardo's home town. Guided tour around the historic centre of Vinci
    Lasting Time 1 hour, Price 60€
    The visit starts from the original nucleus of the settlement, the Conti Guidi Castle, where still today one can easily distinguish its walled enclosure and tall central tower withoutany openings, and within the walls the two main buildings which were built later, east and north of the tower.
    > Book your visit Read more+
  • Walking in Leonardo's footsteps. Guided tour to the house in Anchiano where he was born via a walk along the ‘strada verde’ (green route)
    Lasting Time 1 hour and 30 minutes, Price 85 €

    Between Anchiano and Vinci there is an old path called ‘the green route’ which winds its way for about 2 km through the wonderful Tuscan countryside, amidst the terraces of olive trees typical of the  Montalbano hills, and which can be walked at acompletely relaxed pace in about 30 minutes. 

    > Book your visit Read more+
  • The origin of the Genius. Guided tour of the house in Anchiano where Leonardo was born
    Lasting Time 1 hour, Price 60€
    The itinerary starts in the pretty hillside village of Anchiano, on the slopes of Montalbano, about 3 km from the town of Vinci, at the farmhouse in which Leonardo’s birth on April 15 1452 is attested by an ancient local tradition, also acceptedby the XIX Century historiographer Emanuele Repetti.
    > Book your visit Read more+
  • museumGame
    Interactive book for families with children from 6 to 11 years
    Educational game for families with children aged between 6 and 11 years old.
    The game is available at the ticket office for € 2.00

    Momentarily available only in italian language

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  • LO SGUARDO DI LEONARDO - MuseoLab per famiglie
    Attività di laboratorio per le famiglie in visita al Museo


    Il laboratorio propone di immedesimarsi nei panni di Leonardo, nello stesso tempo artista, scienziato e ingegnere, e di riviver nell’approccio alla vita, la meraviglia e l’interesse che gli suscitava tutto ciò che lo circondava. Partendo da alcuni disegni e testi di Leonardo, le famiglie partecipanti al laboratorio, verranno coinvolte in una serie di esperienze legate ai molteplici interessi del genio Vinciano capaci di stimolare quella curiosità e quello spirito di osservazione proprio degli uomini del Rinascimento.

    Gli studi artistici, scientifici e tecnici di questo discepolo della sperientia, intrecciandosi fra loro, daranno vita ad alcune attività ogni volta diverse a seconda delle suggestioni, interessi e dell’età dei partecipanti.

    Queste le esperienze pratiche per mettere alla prova il proprio ingegno ed usare lo sguardo attento e curioso di Leonardo!

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